Home News Publication Teaching SSCS Lab

Supervised students/scholars are underlined. Undergraduate students are delineated with asterisk*.

Conference Papers


Zhizhen Li, Xuanhao Luo, Mingzhe Chen, Chenhan Xu, Yuchen Liu, “Context-Aware Beam Management via Online Probing in Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandits”, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'24), Denver, CO, USA, June 2024.


Tiantian Liu, Feng Lin, Chao Wang, Chenhan Xu, Xiaoyu Zhang, Zhengxiong Li, Wenyao Xu, Ming-Chun Huang, and Kui Ren, “WavoID: Robust and Secure Multi-modal User Identification via mmWave-voice Mechanism, the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST'23), San Francisco, USA, October 2023. PDF


Huining Li, Xiaoye Qian, Ruokai Ma, Chenhan Xu, Zhengxiong Li, Dongmei Li, Feng Lin, Ming-Chun Huang, Wenyao Xu, “TherapyPal: Towards a Privacy-Preserving Companion Diagnostic Tool based on Digital Symptomatic Phenotyping, ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom'23), Madrid, Spain, October 2023. ( Acceptance Rate: 24%, 92 out of 377 ) PDF


Chenhan Xu, Bing Zhou, Gurunandan Krishnan, Shree Nayar, “AO-Finger: Hands-free Fine-grained Finger Gesture Recognition via Acoustic-Optic Sensor Fusing”, Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'23), Hamburg, Germany, Apr. 2023. ( Acceptace rate: 28.39%, 880 out of 3182 ) PDF


Chenhan Xu, Tianyu Chen*, Huining Li, Alexander Gherardi*, Michelle Weng*, Zhengxiong Li, Wenyao Xu, “Hearing Heartbeat from Voice: Towards Next Generation Voice-User Interfaces with Cardiac Sensing Function”, ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys'22), Boston, MA, Nov. 2022. ( Acceptance Rate: 24.8%, 52 out of 209 , Best Paper Award Candidate, 7 out of 209 ) PDF


Chenhan Xu, Huining Li, Zhengxiong Li, Xingyu Chen*, Aditya Singh Rathore, Hanbin Zhang, Kun Wang, Wenyao Xu, “The Visual Accelerometer: A High-fidelity Optic-to-Inertial Transformation Framework for Wearable Health Computing”, IEEE International Conference on Health Informatics (ICHI'22), Rochester, MN, June 2022. ( Best Student Paper Award, 2 out of 109 ) PDF


Aditya Rathore, Yijie Shen, Chenhan Xu, Jacob Snyderman, Jinsong Han, Fan Zhang, Zhengxiong Li, Feng Lin, Wenyao Xu, Kui Ren, “FakeGuard: Exploring haptic response to mitigate the vulnerability in commercial fingerprint anti-spoofing”, The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS'22), San Diego, California, February 2022. ( Acceptance Rate: 16.2%, 83 out of 513 ) PDF


Zhengxiong Li, Baicheng Chen, Xingyu Chen, Huining Li, Chenhan Xu, Chris Xiaoxuan Lu, Feng Lin, Kui Ren, Wenyao Xu, “SpiralSpy: Exploring a Stealthy and Practical Covert Channel to Attack Air-gapped Computing Devices via mmWave Sensing”, The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS'22), San Diego, California, February 2022. ( Acceptance Rate: 16.2%, 83 out of 513 ) PDF


Huining Li, Chenhan Xu, Aditya Singh Rathore, Zhengxiong Li, Hanbin Zhang, Chen Song, Kun Wang, Lu Su, Feng Lin, Kui Ren, Wenyao Xu, “VocalPrint: Exploring A Resilient and Secure Voice Authentication via mmWave Biometric Interrogation”, ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys'20), Yokohama, Japan, Nov. 2020. ( Acceptance Rate: 20.6%, 44 out of 213 ) PDF


Hanbin Zhang, Gabriel Guo, Chen Song, Chenhan Xu, Kevin Cheung, Jasleen Alexis, Huining Li, Dongmei Li, Kun Wang, Wenyao Xu, “PDLens: Smartphone Knows Drug Effectiveness among Parkinson’s via Daily-Life Activity Fusion”, ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom'20), London, UK, October 2020. ( Acceptance Rate: 16%, 62 out of 384 ) PDF


Baicheng Chen, Huining Li, Zhengxiong Li, Chenhan Xu, Xingyu Chen, Wenyao Xu, “ThermoWave: A New Paradigm of Wireless Passive Temperature Monitoring via mmWave Sensing”, ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom'20), London, UK, October 2020. ( Acceptance Rate: 16%, 62 out of 384 ) PDF


Aditya Singh Rathore, Weijin Zhu, Afee Daiyan, Chenhan Xu, Kun Wang, Feng Lin, Kui Ren, Wenyao Xu, “SonicPrint: A Generally Adoptable and Secure Fingerprint Biometrics in Smart Devices”, ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys'20), Toronto, Canada, June 2020. ( Acceptance Rate: 19%, 34 out of 175 , Best Paper Award, 1 out of 175 ) PDF


Baicheng Chen, Kun Woo Cho, Chenhan Xu, Feng Lin, Zhanpeng Jin, Wenyao Xu, “Exploiting Mallows Distance to Quantify EEG Distribution for Personal Identification”, IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC'19), Hangzhou, China, Nov. 2019. PDF


Zhengxiong Li, Baicheng Chen, Zhuolin Yang, Huining Li, Chenhan Xu, Xingyu Chen, Kun Wang, and Wenyao Xu, “FerroTag: A Paper-based mmWave-Scannable Tagging Infrastructure”, ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys'19), New York City, NY, November 2019. ( Acceptance Rate: 19%, 28 out of 144 , Best Paper Award, 1 out of 144 ) PDF


Hanbin Zhang, Chen Song, Aosen Wang, Chenhan Xu, Dongmei Li, Wenyao Xu, “PDVocal: Towards Privacy-preserving Parkinson’s Disease Early Detection using Passive Body Sounds in Daily Life”, ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom'19), Los Cabos, Mexico, October 2019. PDF


Chenhan Xu, Zhengxiong Li, Hanbin Zhang, Aditya Singh Rathore, Huining Li, Chen Song, Kun Wang, Wenyao Xu, “WaveEar: Exploring a mmWave-based Noise-resistant Speech Sensing for Voice-User Interface”, ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys'19), Seoul, South Korea, June 2019. ( Acceptance Rate: 23.2%, 40 out of 172 ) PDF


Chenhan Xu, Kun Wang, Guoliang Xu, Peng Li, Song Guo, Jiangtao Luo, “Making big data open in collaborative edges: a blockchain-based framework with reduced resource requirements”, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'18), Kansas City, MO, USA, May 2018. ( IEEE TCBD Best Paper Award ) PDF


Kun Wang, Chenhan Xu, Song Guo, “Big data analytics for price forecasting in smart grids”, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GlobeCom'16), Washington, DC, USA, December 2016. ( Best Paper Award, 2 out of 135 ) PDF


Kun Wang, Jun Mi, Chenhan Xu, Lei Shu, Der-Jiunn Deng, “Real-time big data analytics for multimedia transmission and storage”, IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC'16), Chengdu, China, July, 2016. PDF


Li Yang, Kun Wang, Chenhan Xu, Chunsheng Zhu, Yanfei Sun, “An incremental learning classification algorithm based on forgetting factor for eHealth networks”, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'16), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2016. PDF

Journal Papers


Zhizhen Li, Xuanhao Luo, Mingzhe Chen, Chenhan Xu, Shiwen Mao, and Yuchen Liu, “Contextual Combinatorial Beam Management via Online Probing for Multiple Access mmWave Wireless Networks”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), to appear, 2025.


Wenhan Zheng, Huijuan Zhang, Chuqin Huang, Varun Shijo, Chenhan Xu, Wenyao Xu, Jun Xia, “Deep Learning Enhanced Volumetric Photoacoustic Imaging of Vasculature in Human”, Advanced Science, Volume 10, Issue 29, Oct. 2023. ( Impact Factor: 17.52 ). PDF


Tianyu Chen*, Alexander Gherardi*, Anarghya Das, Huining Li, Chenhan Xu, Wenyao Xu, “VANet: An intuitive light-weight deep learning solution towards Ventricular Arrhythmia detection”, Elsevier Smart Health, Volume 28, June 2023. PDF


Huining Li, Chenhan Xu, Aditya Singh Rathore, Zhengxiong Li, Hanbin Zhang, Chen Song, Kun Wang, Lu Su, Feng Lin, Kui Ren, Wenyao Xu, “VocalPrint: A mmWave-based Unmediated Vocal Sensing System for Secure Authentication”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 22, Issue 1, Janurary 2023, Pages 589 - 606. PDF


Huining Li, Huan Chen, Chenhan Xu, Zhengxiong Li, Hanbin Zhang, Xiaoye Qian, Dongmei Li, Ming-chun Huang, Wenyao Xu, “NeuralGait: Assessing Brain Health Using Your Smartphone”, Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (UbiComp/IMWUT'23), Volume 6, Issue 4, Dec. 2022, Pages 1 - 28. PDF


Aditya Singh Rathore, Chenhan Xu, Weijin Zhu, Afee Daiyan, Kun Wang, Feng Lin, Kui Ren, Wenyao Xu, “Scanning the Voice of Your Fingerprint with Everyday Surfaces”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 21, Issue 8, August 2022, Pages 3024 - 3040. PDF


Zhengxiong Li, Baicheng Chen, Xingyu Chen, Chenhan Xu, Yuyang Chen, Feng Lin, Changzhi Li, Karthik Dantu, Kui Ren, Wenyao Xu, “Trustworthy Digital Forensics in the Air: Exploring An RF-based Drone Identification System”, Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (UbiComp/IMWUT'22), Volume 6, Issue 2, July 2022, Pages 1 - 25. PDF


Huining Li, Enhao Zheng, Zijian Zhong, Chenhan Xu, Nicole Roma, Steven Lamkin, Tania T Von Visger, Yu-Ping Chang, Wenyao Xu, “Stress prediction using micro-EMA and machine learning during COVID-19 social isolation”, Elsevier Smart Health, Volume 23, March 2022. PDF


Huining Li, Huan Chen, Chenhan Xu, Anarghya Das, Xingyu Chen, Zhengxiong Li, Jian Xiao, Ming-Chun Huang, Wenyao Xu, “Privacy computing using deep compression learning techniques for neural decoding”, Elsevier Smart Health, Volume 23, March 2022. PDF


Gabriel Guo, Hanbin Zhang, Liuyi Yao, Zhengxiong Li, Huining Li, Chenhan Xu, Wenyao Xu, “MSLife Digital Behavioral Phenotyping of Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms in the Wild using Wearables and Graph-Based Statistical Analysis”, Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (UbiComp/IMWUT'22), Volume 5, Issue 4, Dec. 2021, Pages 1 - 35. PDF


Chenhan Xu, Huining Li, Zhengxiong Li, Hanbin Zhang, Aditya Singh Rathore, Xingyu Chen, Kun Wang, Ming-Chun Huang, Wenyao Xu, “CardiacWave: A mmWave-based Scheme of Non-Contact and High-Definition Heart Activity Computing”, Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (UbiComp/IMWUT'21), Volume 5, Issue 3, Sept. 2021, Pages 1 - 26. ( R1 Initial Acceptance Rate in May: 2.14%, 3 out of 140, overall AR: 25% ) PDF


Aditya Singh Rathore, Chenhan Xu, Wenyao Xu, “SonicPrint: Discovering the Voice of Fingerprint for Adoptable Biometrics”, ACM GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communication, Volume 24, Issue 4, December 2020, Pages 43 - 46. PDF


Chenhan Xu, Kun Wang, Peng Li, Rui Xia, Song Guo, Minyi Guo, “Renewable Energy-Aware Big Data Analytics in Geo-Distributed Data Centers with Reinforcement Learning”, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, Volume 7, Issue 1, Jan.-March 2020, Pages 205 - 215. PDF


Chenhan Xu, Kun Wang, Yanfei Sun, Song Guo, Albert Zomaya, “Redundancy Avoidance for Big Data in Data Centers: A Conventional Neural Network Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, Volume 7, Issue 1, Jan.-March 2020, Pages 104 - 114. PDF


Baicheng Chen, Kunwoo Cho, Chenhan Xu, Zhengxiong Li, Feng Lin, Zhanpeng Jin, Wenyao Xu, “A Stimulus-Response Based EEG Biometrics using Mallow’s Distance”, CCF Transactions on Networking, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 128 - 139. PDF


Hanbin Zhang, Chenhan Xu, Huining Li, Aditya Singh Rathore, Chen Song, Zhisheng Yan, Dongmei Li, Feng Lin, Kun Wang, Wenyao Xu, “PDMove: Towards Passive Medication Adherence Monitoring of Parkinson’s Disease Using Smartphone-based Gait Assessment”, Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (UbiComp/IMWUT'19), Volume 3, Issue 3, Sept. 2019, Pages 1 - 23. PDF


Huining Li, Kun Wang, Toshiaki Miyazaki, Chenhan Xu, Song Guo, Yanfei Sun, “Trust-Enhanced Content Delivery in Blockchain-Based Information-Centric Networking”, IEEE Network, Volume 33, Issue 5, Sept.-Oct. 2019, Pages 183 - 189. PDF


Chenhan Xu, Kun Wang, Peng Li, Song Guo, Jiangtao Luo, Baoliu Ye, Minyi Guo, “Making big data open in edges: A resource-efficient blockchain-based approach”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume 30, Issue 4, April 2019, Pages 870 - 882. PDF


Kun Wang, Chenhan Xu, Yan Zhang, Song Guo, Albert Zomaya, “Robust big data analytics for electricity price forecasting in the smart grid”, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, Volume 5, Issue 1, March 2019, Pages 34 - 45. PDF


Chenhan Xu, Kun Wang, Mingyi Guo, “Intelligent resource management in blockchain-based cloud datacenters”, IEEE Cloud Computing, Volume 4, Issue 6, November/December 2017, Pages 50 - 59. PDF


Kun Wang, Jun Mi, Chenhan Xu, Qingquan Zhu, Lei Shu, Der-Jiunn Deng, “Real-time load reduction in multimedia big data for mobile Internet”, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, Volume 12, Number 5, November 2016, Pages 1 - 20. PDF

Abstract/Poster/Demo Papers


Yixin Li, Ning Sui, Anil Gehi, Chenhan Xu, Zhishan Guo, “Real-Time Cardiovascular Disease Detection via Abnormal Electrocardiogram Cycles on Embedded Systems”, The ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN'24), Hongkong, China, May 2024.


Huining Li, Wenhan Zheng, Aditya Pandya, Chenhan Xu, Jun Xia, Wenyao Xu, “Smartphone-based Blood Perfusion Assessment for Ulcer Care”, ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys'22), Boston, MA, Nov. 2022. ( Best Poster Runner-up ) PDF


Xingyu Chen, Chenhan Xu, Baicheng Chen, Zhengxiong Li, Wenyao Xu, “In-ear thermometer: wearable real-time core body temperature monitoring”, ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys'20), Yokohama, Japan, Nov. 2020. PDF